128. What does plum smell like?

128. Hur doftar plommon?
What do plums smell like?

Plum is a common scent in perfumery and fragrances, but it can be hard to pin down when mixed with other scents. The reason is that the scent in you can oscillate between fruity or floral depending on the type of oil you use. Plums usually give a fruitier and slightly rounder scent when used for scented products such as candles and scented sticks.

How to make plum scent?

Perhaps one of the most difficult and expensive oils to extract is precisely plum oil. Almost all oil that is plum is therefore reproduced synthetically. Don't misconstrue synthetic as "almost" smelling like plum. The scent molecule is the same as in nature, but the procedure to produce it takes place in a lab instead. You can read more about this here.
It is thanks to the "damascone" molecule that we can add plum aroma to our blends. The molecule is also found in roses and that is precisely why it can sometimes be perceived that plums have a slightly floral scent. Damascone itself is thus a family of molecules that are usually found in roses or plums but also black currants and rose hips.

What role does plum play in a fragrance?

A little depending on which other scents and in which part of the scent you add the plum, it will play different roles. This is precisely why plum is such a popular oil to use in fragrance creation. If the plum is allowed to play in the tops with other floral notes, it is usually perceived as very floral but sometimes also a little like the freshness from the skin of the plum, you then get a distinct scent of plum. But if you were to work with notes of plum in the base, you can get such spicy notes as dark plums or dried plums. Then the scent becomes more spicy and is perceived as deep and round.
We feel that when the plum is mixed into the heart of a fragrance, the character disappears so much that it is difficult to perceive. Therefore, we rarely have plums in the heart notes.

What exactly is a plum?

When you hear the word plum, you naturally think of the slightly oval fruit that hangs from trees with a large core. If you grew up with plum trees, you certainly associate it with the magnificent flowers of spring. What few know is that the plum (prunus l) comes from the rose family and includes over 200 different species. When we say lychee, you probably don't think of plums, but there's a reason why lychees are called "Chinese plums". Cousins ​​and relatives of the plum that you might be more likely to guess (perhaps because of its flower and fruit shape) are cherries, peaches and apricots.

What should I consider when choosing a fragrance with plums?

As we have written about many times, we are influenced by scent. Man is a wonder in this way and we have unfortunately moved away from our connection with nature purely mentally. But subconsciously the connections are still there and if we open the door, it's not far to the green side.
At the edge of spring, we think that plum goes perfectly with floral notes. It gives a unique character and creates a feeling of hope and joy. Jârdin is a floral but still quite spicy scent that we like to light during the first months of the year. As we approach autumn, it is quite cozy to surround yourself with the scent of plums. Then Black Pomegranate fits perfectly. Here, the plums take on a darker and deeper character, which creates a cozy feeling in the room. It is perhaps here that plums have really had their heyday over the years, in the evenings.


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