030. Hållbar Shopping Guide

030. Sustainable Shopping Guide

Learn the art of conscious consumption for a more sustainable lifestyle. In this article, we talk about the importance of changing a behavior that almost all people have. In a world where consumption often takes...
158. GUIDE ⎯ Så använder du refill för doftljus

158. GUIDE ⎯ How to use refills for scented candles

When it comes to refilling your scented candle again, the scented candle refill in our pouch is the easiest way to refill. Our award-winning refill is an innovative solution to a problem many people face....
068. Var placerar man sina doftpinnar för bäst doftspridning?

068. Where do you place your scent sticks for best fragrance diffusion?

Creating a pleasant atmosphere in your home is about much more than just visual elements. Fragrance sticks have become increasingly popular for spreading a pleasant fragrance that gives a sense of harmony and well-being but...
155. Så använder du doftspray till torkade växter

155. How to use fragrance spray for dried plants

In this article we thought we'd share tips when it comes to our fragrance spray and how good it can be. For example, you can use it to create fragrant interior details such as dried...
137. GUIDE ⎯ Gör ditt egna ljus, den perfekta presenten

137. GUIDE ⎯ Make your own candle, the perfect gift

Giving something away is so rewarding, especially when you made the gift almost entirely yourself. With our smart refill for scented candles, you can easily make candles yourself that are perfect for those who love...
145. GUIDE ⎯ Så använder man doftpinnar

145. GUIDE ⎯ How to use scent sticks

Part of our sustainability work is to always try to guide you so that you can get the most out of your product. A product that lasts a long time is a good choice in...
144. GUIDE ⎯ Använd doftspray till nästan allt

144. GUIDE ⎯ Use fragrance spray for almost everything

From a sustainability point of view, this might still be one of our smartest products. It is a fragrance spray for both rooms and textiles, for both bathrooms and bedrooms, for moments on the toilet...
143. GUIDE ⎯ Skötselråd för att förlänga livet på ditt doftljus

143. GUIDE ⎯ Care advice to extend the life of your scented candle

By taking care of your products, you can extend their life and at the same time reduce your consumption. So for us, it goes without saying that you give a little extra love to everything...
138. GUIDE ⎯ Så här gjuter du egna ljus

138. GUIDE ⎯ This is how you cast your own candles

In the world of light makers there are questions that are often recurring, we see a great need to answer these questions for a bit mixed reasons. On the one hand, as a producer of...
Doftljus och behållare för doftpinnar på rosa bakgrund.

136. GUIDE ⎯ Combining scents for the perfect atmosphere.

Not only that we have 18 absolutely fantastic scents with personally picked scents from your own scent memory - these 12 scents can also be combined. In this guide, we will help you find the...