Giving something away is so rewarding, especially when you made the gift almost entirely yourself. With our smart refill for scented candles, you can easily make candles yourself that are perfect for those who love candles.
Our refills for scented candles are a kind of DIY where you melt the wax and pour into a glass cup of your choice. Start by choosing your glass cup. Suggestions, find a personal look that suits the person who will receive the gift, or in the room where you plan to have your candle. Feel free to use previously used candle cups or buy cheap, stylish and durable second-hand ones. Can you imagine what creative possibilities there are here.
How to use:
- Clean the cup you intend to use. For example, you can pour boiling water into the cup, let it cool, and then just remove the wax residue that has floated to the surface. It should be 7-10 cm in diameter and should withstand heat. Our candles burn at a low temperature, but in a cup the heat is isolated and therefore it is important that the container is durable.
- Open the bag and take out the wick. On the wick is an attachment pad that you can use to attach the wick centered at the bottom of the candle cup.
- Boil water in a slightly larger saucepan. When the water boils, take the pan off the stove and put the refill bag down. Make sure the bag is resealed again. The water should cover up to at least half the bag. But no more is 3/4.
- When the bag has been standing for 10-12 minutes, you can open it and see that the wax has melted. If there are any lumps left, you can easily stir them around with a grill stick or a wooden chopstick.
- Now pour the wax and let the candle harden for at least 24 hours before lighting it.