018. Hållbar förpackning

018. Sustainable packaging

Sustainability in every detail – this is how we build for the future In 2024, we took major steps to strengthen our environmental work. We achieved one of our most important climate goals earlier than...
030. Hållbar Shopping Guide

030. Sustainable Shopping Guide

Learn the art of conscious consumption for a more sustainable lifestyle. In this article, we talk about the importance of changing a behavior that almost all people have. In a world where consumption often takes...
054. Större refill till doftpinnar

054. Larger refill for scent sticks

Why choose refills for scent sticks? As more of us become aware of our environmental impact, we are looking for ways to make more sustainable choices in our everyday lives. A simple but effective way...
015. En återbrukad monter

015. A recycled stand

It's time for the autumn's first big fair and with these big events come enormous costs and material consumption. So how can we, with our recycling philosophy, create a sufficiently attractive stand without using new...
025. Vi tror på en värld utan djurförsök

025. We believe in a world without animal testing

April 24 is World Day For Laboratory Animals, a themed day that was added in 1979 to draw attention to animal experiments and the suffering that millions of animals endure every day. Animal experiments are...
Tre doftljus i vitt frostat glas.

021. We plant an entire forest ⎯ one tree for each product

What started as a counter-action against Black Friday is today just the obvious way for us. We started planting trees for every item sold during Black Friday. But when the Black Friday hype was over...
Bild med texten "MAKE FRIDAY GREEN AGAIN".

024. We once again say no to Black Friday and welcome Green Friday!

According to tradition, most people end the month of November with Black Friday, which in recent years has gained a foothold in Sweden but which, in classic Swedish trading spirit, has become somewhat watered down....
Jordklotet som sett från rymden.

022. Join the world's biggest climate action ⎯ Earth Hour

Have you ever participated in the world's largest climate action Earth Hour? Since the beginning, every year we have paid attention to that particular theme day, and for us the day represents the core of...
Bild med texten "D.I.Y WITH MEMOAIR: Christmas star out of paperbags".

023. Climate compensated and climate neutral products ⎯ but how does it actually happen?

You may read in more and more places about climate-neutral transport or climate-compensated products. Of course it sounds good ⎯ but do you really know how it works and what it actually means? Climate compensation...