018. Hållbar förpackning

018. Sustainable packaging

Sustainability in every detail – this is how we build for the future In 2024, we took major steps to strengthen our environmental work. We achieved one of our most important climate goals earlier than...
052. Hello - Refill till doftljus!

052. Hello - Refill for scented candles!

Refilling your scented candles with a simple scented candle refill - well, it's never been easier than now. If you do not know the product itself already, we can warmly recommend you to familiarize yourself...
114. Dofter som håller myggen borta

114. Scents that keep mosquitoes away

What scents keep mosquitoes away? Summer is synonymous with outdoor activities, barbecue evenings and relaxing moments on the veranda. But for many of us, summer also means an increased risk of mosquito bites and the...
051. Dejoniserat vatten ger multifunktionell spray

051. Deionized water provides multifunctional spray

In today's world, water is one of the most fundamental resources used in a variety of industries and applications, from laboratories to industrial manufacturing. A specific type of water that has received increased attention is...
050. Hur funkar en workshop?

050. How does a workshop work?

You've probably been to a workshop, if not you've probably heard of workshops. But what exactly is a workshop and how does it work? Step into our workshop and be a candle maker for a...
015. En återbrukad monter

015. A recycled stand

It's time for the autumn's first big fair and with these big events come enormous costs and material consumption. So how can we, with our recycling philosophy, create a sufficiently attractive stand without using new...
045. Bevisat ⎯ Så påverkas vi av doft

045. Proven ⎯ This is how we are affected by scent

Many have probably heard the word aromatherapy, and it is a word we also use freely. A form of therapy where you influence the body with the help of fragrance. It is through fragrance that...
046. Vad är doftpyramiden?

046. What is the scent pyramid?

Our fragrances are made up of several different molecules that create a characteristic scent. To make it easier to understand the scent, it is divided into three parts that represent how the scent will behave....
043. Slow living ⎯ learn it, live it! Vi reder ut begreppet.

043. Slow living ⎯ learn it, live it! We clarify the concept.

Have you heard the term Slow living before? If not, you will surely run into it more and more in the future. "Only that day dawns to which we are awake" ⎯ Henry David Thoreau...
042. Vad är en certifiering och varför är det viktigt?

042. What is a certification and why is it important?

Our ambition as a company is to offer products with high credibility and a kind of proof that what we say is actually true, but also that it is checked. To do that, you can...
040. Är doftljus och doftpinnar farliga?

040. Are scented candles and scented sticks dangerous?

What exactly is the definition of dangerous? We therefore mean that the amount you consume can be more dangerous than what you consume is under normal conditions. In too large a quantity, most things can...
039. Doftoljor ⎯ Även kallat parfymolja, kemisk doftolja och satans påhitt

039. Fragrance oils ⎯ Also called perfume oil, chemical fragrance oil and devil's invention

Fragrance oil ⎯ Fragrance oil As the name reveals, a fragrance oil is a fatty oil containing specific fragrance molecules. There are a whole host of fragrance oils that are both pure or blended. The...