014. To create and design new collection

014. Att skapa och designa ny kollektion

As a perfumer, you are more than just a nose, you need to think one step further and create a feeling with the product as a whole. We have always thought that our fragrances should convey a feeling, as well as its appearance.

In the spring of 2021, we developed a completely new concept, our leopard patterned cups. The design took a long time to develop and a lot of energy was spent on producing product samples and samples. But then the war came and our production chain suffered delays. We put the collection on hiatus after just launching some pieces.

So in the spring of 2023, we started exploring the possibilities of creating a new look for our collection. We had to reflect on how sustainable the design we came up with really was. Even if the cups were nice, what if the stain trend dies out? Or imagine if there are more factors that in the future mean that production does not flow.

How do we start a new design?

The visual part starts with connecting the feeling we want to convey with the scents to how it could look visually. We write down feelings that the scents give and translate words into pictures. The series is called SUEDE COLLECTION because it is processed like a piece of suede. It is a craft with character. Just like suede, it brings a sense of luxury.

In the collection there are four different fragrances starting with the fragrance with the same name as the collection ⎯ SUEDE . We also find TONKA , BURSERA and AMBER . Words we associate with these four scents are luxury , character , abundance , Italian , warmth , unique , dark , rich , smoke and wood . So with these words in the bag, the journey begins on the collection's new look.

The first step is the most fun but also the most important

With sustainability as a cornerstone, we are not looking for a design that only lasts one or two seasons. We want to be frugal but still unique. Therefore, the first test always sets a certain standard for where we are going. Martin came to think of a lantern he had in a previous home. It had smoked glass which in turn had a mirror finish. It exuded exactly the feeling we wanted to convey.

Our glasses are manufactured in Italy and from them we now receive a first draft according to our wishes. We also request more information about the treatment of the glasses to ensure that there is nothing toxic about the product. Since we wanted a mirror finish but which still lets the light through, we are immediately told that the ingredients to make such a color are anything but environmentally friendly.

The process continues and we get a second and third sample. We like the third sample and therefore we are now making a test product in this glass to see that it meets our standard. It must withstand heat, fragrance oils, labels and also be associated with our feelings, which you read about above.

The design nailed ⎯ now we're driving!

Then when a design is nailed down, we need to do a lot of things before we are in port. We place our first order and try to think what our customers will think. Will this design sell out? When we receive the order, manufacturing is on the schedule. Each product is carefully tested before we start a new production line in our small studio.

While the products are being manufactured, we ensure that labels and packaging are designed and printed. We print almost all of our labels ourselves here in our studio, but this particular label should have a matte finish, which we get help from a nearby printer.

Finally, it must be photographed, production formation written, content created and lots of other things all around. The last thing is that all our subscribers get the happy news ⎯ Now we're launching a new collection. From start to launch, it sometimes takes anywhere from 2 years to 6 months. But when you are at the finish line, there is nothing better than being able to proudly show off your news.


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