061. Seven tips how you can shop more sustainably

061. Sju tips hur du kan shoppa mer hållbart

In connection with the launch of our first campaign aimed at the planet - Make Friday Green Again - we also put a lot of focus on spreading messages about sustainable shopping.

The word sustainability is thrown around today like it's the new black. When we at Remoair talk about sustainability, it is our task as a company to be clear about what we mean and what we do. We have previously written about our sustainable production, our sustainable collaborations and today we are writing about sustainable shopping.

The complex thing about sustainable shopping in particular is that it is two polar opposites that meet. It has long been proven that commerce and industry are responsible for a large part of the climate emissions that led us to the climate crisis we are living in today. So how can you shop if it is so harmful to the planet. You are absolutely right - it is confusing. But there are things you can think about and this year we have added two more points.

1. Don't shop at all

Our first tip is of course not to buy anything at all, but that is not really financially sustainable for the planet. Our societies are built around trade and if everyone stopped trading it wouldn't be so good. But with sustainable shopping, you can think that we mainly buy what we need because there is actually a need. Please remember here that needing is not the same as treating yourself to something.

2. Shop locally and locally produced

There are unimaginable quantities of goods that are manufactured in the Far East and that have an extreme impact on the environment. So feel free to look closer to home if there are equivalent products. It will probably cost more money, but it is worth it for the sake of the environment. Try to find companies and products that stand for sustainable shopping and value this when choosing the products in their range.

Check out some tips from our retailers who value sustainable products:

Slow Living Home
Things & Tangs

You can find all our dealers here →

3. Goods with high durability

It is not only the idea of ​​sustainability that a product can deliver, it can also be physically sustainable. Rather, invest in buying high-quality things that you know will last longer.

4. Shop second-hand

Extend the life of already manufactured products. Don't forget how fun it can be to reuse and fix up second-hand finds. You can really get priceless products that are more personal than any factory can make.

5. Refill

If the option to refill is available, it can be a good investment for both you and the environment. There are perhaps products in the home that could be bought in refills, take a look and see. More environmentally friendly packaging is appearing on several fronts - even in cosmetics.

Discover our assortment of refills here →

6. Swap with a friend

Instead of shopping, you can gather your friends and exchange things. Do you have an interior item at home that is gathering dust in a cupboard, but take it to someone who wants to exchange it with you. Someone's dusty gadget can be another person's new interior detail.

7. Most things can be fixed

You don't have to buy a new jacket every year, or change the color of your wardrobe every season. From my own experience, I have extended the life of my jackets and coats with the help of needle and thread. Some have lived as long as 11 years, the only thing that has happened is that they got new pockets, changed buttons and had the seams mended. So before you toss, is it fixable? Try to get over the feeling that new is the best there is.

Hope you found these tips useful and that you share them.


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