005. Welcome to our studio in Alnarp

005. Välkommen in till vår studio i Alnarp

A little over two years ago we found our first studio in Hyllie, but pretty soon the suit was too small. Time to move and for over 6 months we looked for a new premises. But when the electricity crisis, war and everything else boring came to the village, we put our thoughts on hold.

One day in the fall of 2022, Martin stumbled upon a page he had visited before. It was a tab that was saved in the browser and it was about premises in Alnarp. The area is perfect, but no one had answered. So during Black Friday week we got in touch again and in less than a week we had been to a viewing and then signed the papers.

What is a STUDIO?

We have understood that people want to know, is it a shop or is it a factory ⎯ WHAT IS IT? But that's why we call our hook STUDIO. Everything happens here! We have all our production located in our studio, but we also have a showroom with the opportunity to explore and shop. At the same time, our studio is a room where it is possible to have workshops and creative moments together. So it is in the studio that all the magic happens!

If you are interested in coming by, we are here most weekdays between 10:00 and 16:00 and it is always welcome to get in touch before the visit so we have time to do it right. But if you want to be spontaneous, you have to count on being able to get in the middle of the production and maybe end up right in line to help.


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