Learn the art of conscious consumption for a more sustainable lifestyle. In this article, we talk about the importance of changing a behavior that almost all people have. In a world where consumption often takes precedence over caring for our planet, sustainable shopping is therefore becoming increasingly important. Small changes in our shopping habits can make a big difference for the environment. By making conscious choices, we can all contribute to a more sustainable future. Let's dive in, it's easier than you think.
Five tips for sustainable consumption
1. Shop less or not at all
Before you add something to your shopping cart, take a moment to reflect on whether you really need the product. We are often tempted by sales and promotions, but refraining from unnecessary purchases is one of the most effective ways to reduce our environmental impact. By only buying what we really need, we can reduce the demand for mass production and thus contribute to a more sustainable consumer culture.
When you also make this change, we believe that your shopping pattern will slowly change as well. To simplify your change, you can also avoid shopping in shopping apps. These apps are often developed to stimulate the brain and increase dopamine. Shopping is actually associated with addiction and can trigger the same behaviors as other addictions, that you get withdrawal and have to buy.
2. Choose quality products for longer life
Once you decide to shop, invest in quality products that are durable and have a long lifespan. For example, Remoair's scented candles are made with environmentally friendly wax, which not only provides a cleaner burn but also a longer burn time. This means you can enjoy your favorite scents for longer, which in turn reduces the need to buy new candles frequently. A counterexample is products that are mass-produced, their only reason for existing is for someone to make money. It's not about creating a feeling at home, or making you care about the environment.
Even though a price may seem high, always weigh the benefits against how long you can use the product. An item that will wear out over time is more durable if it is of high quality compared to a product that is not of the same quality.
One trick to finding clothes, shoes or accessories that last a long time is to look second hand. Here you often find products that have lived a long life and by extending the life of these products you also reduce the demand for new production.
3. Use refills and reuse
Another way to shop more sustainably is to choose products with refill options. Remoair’s award-winning scented candle refills are a great example. By reusing your existing candle cups, you can extend the life of your favorite scents while reducing waste. The refill system is not only cost-effective, but also an easy way to make a positive difference for the environment.
Refill is also strongly associated with the idea of reusing original packaging, which is also smart. The more we can reuse, the better, because as it stands right now, the throw-away trend is still a hot topic. We have never had so much garbage to deal with in the world as we do right now.
4. Buy locally, but consciously
Shopping locally can be a great way to reduce transportation emissions and support your local economy. But it’s important to be aware of what you’re buying locally. It’s not enough that the product is available in a local store; you should also investigate whether it’s made locally and sustainably. Buying locally made products that respect both quality and the environment is the key to truly sustainable consumption.
Learning the behavior of looking at a product to see where it was produced can take time, but once you have the ability, you will discover how much around you is produced far from where you live. What are you asking for?
The first thing to look at is, is the product made in Sweden? IF it is, then that's positive. If it is made in one of our neighboring countries, you can still feel on the green side.
The second thing to look at is, is the content of the product made in Sweden or of Swedish origin? IF so, even better. It can hardly get greener than this. But keep in mind that not all companies print where their ingredients or raw materials come from. One of the reasons why we are as transparent as we are is precisely because we bought scented candles that were called "Sweden's largest candle manufacturer" but became aware that these products were not manufactured within the EU. The only thing they did in Sweden was put labels and put them in boxes.
So again, feel free to shop sustainably, but keep in mind that it won't be climate-friendly to buy crappy products from the Far East just because it's at the store in town.
5. Think about longevity
When we consume, we rarely think about whether this product will be in our lives in 2-5-10 years. We are here today, in the present and want the product. But by also implementing the idea of whether we will use the product or be able to refill the product and thinking 2-5-10 about everything we buy, we can create a big change.
In our article about sustainable shopping from a few years ago, we mentioned this very thing. The product we buy, can it be repaired if it breaks? Can it be sold second-hand after 2-5-10 years? With this mind-set, we ensure that what we consume is of high quality and in this way we also put pressure on manufacturers to produce more sustainable products.
We hope this article inspires you to perhaps adopt at least one of the points. If you feel inspired, don't hesitate to share it with others via social media.