015. A recycled stand

015. En återbrukad monter

It's time for the autumn's first big fair and with these big events come enormous costs and material consumption. So how can we, with our recycling philosophy, create a sufficiently attractive stand without using new materials? In this article, we talk about our journey to a sustainable fair.

More is more ⎯ said no one ever

When we were at the show for the first time last year, we were extremely amazed at the amount of goods being lifted into these massive premises. Furnishings, decor, sign material and so many staff who worked long hours to get everything in place. The aisles are bustling and waste bins are quickly filled up to their width to be quickly replaced with new ones.

The display areas often feel large until they start to be filled with various things that will inspire purchases for all the visitors who come to visit. But how many of all exhibitors are focused on making it a sustainable fair? Yes, we can only forward that question to all exhibitors and organizers.

For us, it was already a challenge in the first year to make this fair possible without ordering material that would only be used at the fair.

What is recycling in our stand 2023?

This year, we have invested in creating a stand that we will be able to reuse year after year. Last year we didn't have any furniture built in our booth, so this year we had some podiums built that are 100% wood and can be reused year after year. We chose not to print any new signs this year as we learned from the last fair that these quickly become out of date. Therefore, we have invested in instead creating simple signs that last over time.

The signs

Our black signs in the stand are reuse of the price signs we had in our studio. After we rebuilt our studio in the spring and created more space for production, we chose to reuse these for the stand instead. We have cut them out with a laser and engraved the signs with simple messages that will not become outdated. They are easy to assemble and can be advantageously used over and over again.Product catalogs

Last year we skipped printing the product catalog for our retailers as we felt that it is simply better with a digital edition. But after feedback, this year we have printed an edition as there are many that have still not been digitized. The catalogs are printed on 100% recycled paper that is Nordic Ecolabelled. Shipping and production for these is 100% climate neutral.

Remoair Magazine

Every autumn we release a new edition of our magazine in printed format. It is available to our customers in both our studio and at our retailers. This year, too, the magazine is printed on recycled paper, Nordic Ecolabelled and of course climate neutral.


We have invested in transport materials that can be reused and are made from 100% recycled materials. This means that it holds up better in transport, lasts longer over time and if the day comes that we no longer need it, it has a high resale value and can be sold to be reused again. As usual, our transport to and from the fair is also 100% climate neutral.

When the fair is over

Our goal is not to create any trash during our time at the fair. By garbage, we mean garbage that cannot be recycled. So when the fair is over, we have either reused or recycled all of our trash. We take all the products home with us and nothing goes to waste. Did you know that there are so many companies that throw away display products, stand furnishings and signs.

We hope that this article will inspire more people to think about how to create their own little oasis at fairs.


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