016. A little message

016. Ett litet meddelande

When I started Remoair, giving back was a cornerstone. The idea was to give back to nature for what we as a company took. Remoair stands for sustainability but also for so much more. We believe in the equal values ​​of people, we believe in peace, we believe in children's rights in society, we believe in equality... yes, the list can be made long. Let me be clear that if I didn't have rent and the need for food, I would be more than happy to donate it all to something that helps make the world a better place.

In these times of worry and uncertainty, it is easy to feel powerless in the face of the great challenges that surround us. But even in the darkest moments there are ways to make a difference and spread light. At Remoair, we are committed to doing just that through our commitment to Save the Children and their important work to protect and support children around the world.

We will start now and during the month of March (to begin with) donate SEK 5 to Save the Children for each order. It's the absolute least we can do. Save the children is an organization that works to give children around the world a brighter future, something we think is especially needed in times like these.

We believe in the importance of making a positive difference in the world, and by supporting Save the Children we can together help give vulnerable children the love, security and opportunities they deserve.

Why we donate to other than environmental organizations

We believe that every individual has the power to make a positive difference, no matter how big or small that contribution is. By donating SEK 5 for each order to Save the Children, our goal is to make a contribution to their work in providing the necessary resources, education and protection for children affected by conflicts, disasters and poverty.

We understand that there may be concerns that such messages could be seen as trying to exploit tragedies for personal gain. We therefore want to clearly communicate that our commitment to supporting Save the Children is not about selling more products. It's about doing what we can to make the world a better place for those who need it most. Therefore, we also offer the option to donate via a fundraiser here on Instagram as well as a donation button on our website.

How you as a private person can influence in times of crisis

It's not just companies that can make a difference. As a private individual, you also have the opportunity to contribute to making the world a better place, especially in times of crisis. Here are some ways you can help:

1. Make a donation directly to Save the Children or other charities working for children's rights and well-being.
2. Spread awareness by sharing information about important topics and initiatives on social media and in your personal network.
3. Get involved in volunteer work or other activities that support children and their families in your local community.
4. Also remember to keep yourself well informed about the situation. Be critical of sources and make sure not to spread fake news or content created only to create fear and unnecessary anxiety.

We encourage you to consider going the extra mile to help support an organization you believe is doing important work, whether it's by making a donation directly to them or by spreading awareness of their work.

More information about Save the Children

Save the Children is one of the world's leading independent organizations for children's rights. Since 1919, they have worked to protect and support children in over 120 countries through programs and interventions in areas such as education, health, protection and emergency relief.

We firmly believe that children are the future of the world, and by investing in their well-being and development, we invest in a better future for all of us. Through our donations to Save the Children, we strive to do what we can to save the world's future generation from suffering, uncertainty and lack of opportunity.

Thank you for being part of this important initiative and for continuing to support Remoair.

*For more information about Save the Children and their work,
visit their website: www.raddabarnen.se

Together we can make a difference and save the world's future generation.



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