Have you also considered whether it is possible to make your own candles at home? It started with a simple search phrase "How to make your own candles". Or let's rewind to get some context.
Exchange safety for light production in the kitchen
Haven't we all been there in the situation where you think about life's questions. What should I do with my life, how do I want life to look like in 10 years, etc. How many times have you decided and made those changes ⎯ we're talking the really big changes. Isn't it the case that security is our worst enemy if we want to get ahead in life. It lies there like a warm blanket in a cold room, embraces you and makes your whole body feel calm and comfortable, the slightest little person lifts the blanket and unwelcome cold seeps in. Nah, you'd rather stay and withdraw.
It was here that Martin had ended up at his previous workplace. It was uncomfortable both under the covers and outside the covers. It can easily become that way after 17 years at the same workplace. A small fresh start is not enough, you need to throw off the blanket and find warmth elsewhere.
"In retrospect, I can now understand all those who told me to change jobs or do something else, I would have said the same thing to myself. But security was my worst enemy."
That's how you get started with candle making
Enough metaphors, it was the feeling of being taken for granted that started the thoughts of self-employment. There would be enough overtime that was not paid in either money or gratitude. The lump in the stomach that was constantly there would hopefully disappear. Starting your own business would be the way out of the destructive working relationship that was a reality at the time.
It started with a few weeks of cleverness. What kind of company would that be? With Martin, a passion for color and form has always existed and the digital and graphic has been as easy as writing with paper and pen. But then one day when he blew out one of all the candles, he discovered that it had burned like a tunnel. The candle was from Rituals and had still cost just over SEK 300. A phrase often uttered by Martin is "you can do it yourself" and we are now in a moment that becomes decisive ⎯ Martin's first thought is, I could certainly have made a better light myself.
Open Safari, enter the search phrase "how to make your own candles" and it became several evenings of research on the internet. Quite quickly, Martin realized that it was not at all impossible to start making his own candles.
They usually say that "the rest is history" and there is so much more to read about when it comes to the trip and how Remoair came to be.
Herregud, kunde varit jag som skrivit hela texten!!! Men jag valde inte doftljus och har fortf den kreativa drömmen kvar. Får vänta några år till med att göra den resan för jag har sjukt kul idag.
Men 100% igenkänning på allt.
Du är grym!