In the world of light makers there are questions that are often recurring, we see a great need to answer these questions for a bit mixed reasons. On the one hand, as a producer of scented candles, we are concerned that followers who want to try their luck or have a fun hobby can do so in a safe and responsible way. But we would also like to encourage more people to make their own candles as it is both fun and calming.
The importance of using good materials and raw materials
Combined with the pandemic, interest in doing something creative increased. One of the hobby activities that got a real boost was making your own candles. It started with the popular bubble candles and soon followed the molded female bodies. Since the end of 2020, new forms appear every two weeks and creativity really flows.
Three quick tips before you get started
1. Choose a high quality hard wax that is for molds or block candles. Further down you will find some tips on wax that fits well.
2. Buy a mold that is of good quality. The more times it can be used, the better.
3. Read up on which wick you should use in advance, then it's like with all candle making that you have to try it out again and again.
Molds for casting candles are usually found in three different types of material. Hard plastic that is most often used when casting block candles and similar forms (so-called pillar candles). There is aluminum which is mostly used for the same purpose as the hard plastic. Finally, we have silicone, which is used when casting slightly more advanced shapes or figures.
Prepare the mold to carry the casting compound
Not all shapes go together with all waxes, it can really vary. A trick is to test with a small amount of mass first. Fill the intended shape with just under a tenth of the wax or candle. Let it cool and then try to get the piece off. If it goes easily, you probably have no problems. Should the test stick so that you cannot get it off... then you need to prepare the mold before casting. A trick is to use organic rapeseed oil or sunflower oil. Pour a few drops of the oil into the mold and grease the mold thoroughly. Then wipe off with a microfiber cloth or similar, something that doesn't shed or flake. You can now try casting one more time.
Melting wax and candles is a work of art
One of the most common mistakes made when making candles is to melt the casting compound too quickly and accidentally burn it. The casting mass needs to take its time and must not get too hot. There are different temperatures that are best suited for different types of wax, but as a rule of thumb we tend to think we never exceed 70°C.
When melting wax or candle, a stainless steel vessel is best, maybe even a bringer. It must be a vessel that you can easily pour from and a vessel that you have not used for cooking and will not use for cooking in the future. Avoid using plastic braces as they have a tendency to crack after a period of use and cleaning.
Attach the wick and pour the wax
The vast majority of molds have a hole in the bottom (which then becomes the top of the candle) where the wick must be threaded through. Think about this again, read about the wick. It may not look like it, but there are any number of different sizes, there are varieties that are impregnated with lighter fluid or have lead wires interwoven. So think carefully about which wick you will use.
To get a good result, the wick needs to be taut, but not so taut as to break. Make sure it is not twisted and secure it with a pin or stick.
When you pour the casting compound, it is always good to let it cool down first. For one thing, if something were to go wrong, you don't risk getting burned. But also to avoid that the casting mass solidifies strangely. You avoid many problems by pouring at a low temperature.
Pour quietly and avoid bubbling and splashing when pouring.
Also remember to have the mold standing where it is to solidify, the slightest movement during the time it is to solidify can affect the result.
For the vast majority of molds, we recommend that you let the light stand for at least 24 hours. Even if it says that you can remove the form earlier, our experience is that we get better results in peace and quiet.
Hope you found this guide useful. Feel free to share it on social media or save it in your browser. We are also very happy for anyone who shares tips and questions in the comments.
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