024. We once again say no to Black Friday and welcome Green Friday!

Bild med texten "MAKE FRIDAY GREEN AGAIN".

According to tradition, most people end the month of November with Black Friday, which in recent years has gained a foothold in Sweden but which, in classic Swedish trading spirit, has become somewhat watered down. Black Weekend, Black Week - well it seems that Christmas shopping has been moved forward and companies are doing everything to pull in as much money as possible. A big problem is precisely the pressure that stores feel. If you don't have a campaign in your store, the customer will go to the competitors and you risk both turnover and your existence as a company.

Have you also noticed that the commercial chains are selling off older items during Black Friday. To earn money! I myself worked in trade before and have seen what a company can get itself to do. Pick up the new items in the warehouse and remove them from the webshop. Stock up on older items and focus on clearance sales.

The whole idea of ​​Black Friday, which originated in the US, is that the red numbers turn with Christmas shopping. Here, it is never a question of selling off old stock, but the focus is on just selling as much as possible, and you therefore set these hysterical discounts on most goods. This frenzy around shopping is the exact opposite of our belief in sustainable shopping. We can therefore feel some form of relief that Black Friday did not have the same effect in Sweden.

However, with 7 billion in turnover in 2018 within trade in Sweden during this Friday, it is clear that consumption is still huge. Not only in Sweden but all over the world.

This year we are planting extra trees. As you know, a tree is planted for every order as it stands today. But during Black Friday week and until the end of November, we instead plant five trees for every item we sell. Just like every year, we will climate compensate 200% for all deliveries during these days, where we account for half the part and our e-commerce supplier accounts for the other part.

So when you choose a sustainable way to shop, we hope that we can be the torchbearer for sustainable solutions for all companies in Sweden. We are happy to see more people jumping on the bandwagon to dare to refuse Black Friday.


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