Who hasn't been bothered by these little insects that make such a distinct sound just before they attack. You hear the buzz of mosquitoes and immediately it itches everywhere. But what can be done about it? Have you tried mosquito repellent?
But as the research company we are, it was an eye-opener when we read more about mosquito repellents and whether there was a possibility to make mosquito products smell better. Often they have a peculiar and pungent smell, almost to the point of pungent.
We wanted to create a more sustainable solution to get rid of mosquitoes
In our collection of mosquito products, you will find both candles and scented sprays, but no products that you use on the body. Our products do not require you to get wrapped up, but you can enjoy the scent in peace and quiet while the mosquitoes stay away.
Mosquito candles ⎯ Sustainable in a double sense
Our beautiful mosquito candles come in two variants. Lemongrass + Eucalyptus in a clear cup with a white lid and also Lavender + Patchouli found in our frosted cup. The candles contain Citrepel®, which is a mosquito repellent made from essential oils. It is an oil that is ECO certified and has an extremely high PDM.
The scents also contain essential oil from well-known scents that mosquitoes do not like at all. We believe that you can naturally keep mosquitoes away. In addition to this, we have chosen to reuse wax from our production. We were left with leftovers from candle making that we didn't know what to do with. We aim to throw nothing away in our production and what better way than to reuse the wax.
The wax that we reuse comes from when we empty the wax melter for cleaning. Wax that is completely usable but needs to be drained. It comes from our jugs we use when we pour all our candles. And at as little as 5%, our mosquito candles don't pick up any of the scents that might be found in the recycled wax.
Scented spray to get rid of mosquitoes quickly
Our scented spray to keep mosquitoes away should not be mixed with classic mosquito poisons or sprays that are used on the body. This spray is for spreading scent and has the advantage that it is a scent that mosquitoes don't like. In our opinion, scented sprays that keep mosquitoes away should not stink, which is why our spray consists of both Citrepel® and essential oils.