What scents keep mosquitoes away?
Summer is synonymous with outdoor activities, barbecue evenings and relaxing moments on the veranda. But for many of us, summer also means an increased risk of mosquito bites and the annoying itching and swelling that come with them. That's why we want to guide you to use fragrance to discourage visits from these annoying insects.
While there are many chemical insecticides on the market, many people prefer to avoid the potential risks and side effects that can come with them. That's why more and more people are turning to natural alternatives to keep mosquitoes away, and so are we. In this guide, we will explore different natural scents that can repel mosquitoes and help you enjoy the summer without being bothered by these pesky insects. So let's dive in and discover the aromatic defenses that nature has to offer against mosquitoes!
Keep your friends close but your enemies closer
In order to effectively protect yourself from mosquitoes, it is important to understand their behavior and preferences. Mosquitoes are attracted to certain scents and substances that they use to find their hosts. They are particularly attracted by carbon dioxide, which we humans excrete when we breathe, as well as by lactate, uric acid and other substances found in sweat. In addition, certain scents, such as those from perfumes, detergents and cosmetics, can also attract mosquitoes.
By avoiding attracting the mosquitoes with these scents, you can reduce the risk of being bitten. On the other hand, there are also scents that mosquitoes dislike and that can be used to deter them. With fragrance, you can create an atmosphere that is not so pleasant for mosquitoes. Now let's take a closer look at some of the most effective natural scents to keep mosquitoes away during the summer.
Why choose natural fragrances?
When it comes to keeping mosquitoes away, it is important to choose the right scents that are effective but at the same time safe for people and the environment. It shouldn't be difficult to understand that toxic mosquito repellents that are both harmful to health and dangerous to the environment are a worse option for that reason alone. But there is also research showing that if a substance has a high PMD ( para-menthane-3,8-diol) it can keep mosquitoes away.
PMD is the active substance that keeps mosquitoes away and is the natural alternative to the chemical poison DEET (diethyltoluamide) which is otherwise often found in mosquito repellents. When you read about mosquito repellents, you often also read about DEET, which is the active ingredient in most mosquito repellents. Diethyltoluamide is the substance that was developed by the US military in the 1940s.
At first, the substance Diethyltoluamide was used only by the military and for agriculture. But during the 50s, the substance was commercialized and began to be sold to consumers as a mosquito repellent. DEET originates from chlorine and is produced through chemical reactions.
Odors that mosquitoes dislike
There are several natural scents that mosquitoes detest and can be effective in keeping them away. Here are some examples:
The scent of lavender is pleasant to humans but repellent to mosquitoes. Its floral and herbal scent provides a fresh atmosphere while helping to keep mosquitoes at bay. Our Lavender + Patchouli mosquito candle is an excellent example of a scent that keeps mosquitoes away. But we also offer Soothing Spa which contains more lavender, it works at least as well.
Lemon and lemongrass
Mosquitoes dislike the sour smell of lemon and lemongrass. These scents can be used both as essential oils or by placing fresh lemon slices or lemongrass in areas where mosquitoes are a problem. The Lemongrass + Eucalyptus scented candle offered just those crackling notes of citrus that mosquitoes hate. You will also find citrus notes in Petrichor , which can also scare off the occasional mosquito.
Eucalyptus oil has a characteristic smell that mosquitoes do not like. By using eucalyptus oil in scented candles or as a spray, you can create a mosquito repellent effect while enjoying its refreshing scent. We use eucalyptus in, among other things, Crisp Cotton . This may not be the most off-putting scent but can certainly be a help and a complement to the slightly more acidic scents we mentioned above.
Patchouli scent is strong and earthy, making it unattractive to mosquitoes. Using patchouli oil in scented candles or as part of a scented spray can help keep mosquitoes away while creating a pleasant atmosphere. The Lavender + Patchouli scented candle is extremely effective as it contains Citrepel®, but Ambience and Agrûmes also contain patchouli and many healthy citrus notes. These also help keep mosquitoes away.
How to use scent to keep mosquitoes away
The most common way to keep mosquitoes away is by applying mosquito repellent directly to the body. But as these products usually contain poison, we recommend using one of our safer mosquito repellents instead.
When you use scented candles, it can be good to light the candles as a precaution an hour or so before you are going to enjoy the evening. Then enough fragrance has had time to build up. Keep in mind that it does not work to use scented candles on completely open surfaces such as on a table in the middle of the garden, then scented sprays give a better effect.
The scented candles with Citrepel® work better in the conservatory or if you have a partially glazed balcony. They can be used indoors as well, but remember to trim the wick often.
When you want direct protection, our fragrance spray is excellent. Unlike mosquito repellent, you do not expose your skin to any risks. Spray the mosquito repellent instead on chair cushions, blankets or on the outside of the evening's outfit. The fragrance spray works great to use for curtains, carpets and similar textiles. Remember never to use it on the skin.