009. That's how the name came to ⎯ Remeniscing, redolence, remodel

009. Så kom namnet till ⎯ Remeniscing, redolence, remodel

In a kitchen, on the outskirts of Malmö, on an autumn evening where there were really no expectations, Remoair was formed. Martin describes that it was perhaps the first time that "delight mixed with horror" was the right description of the feeling he had then.

This way, in the rear view mirror, he laughs at what he then thought would be the big challenges ⎯ which today flow like water in a stream. But it was also the light and the hope for a better future in working life ⎯ hope that Remoair would be an outlet for all the creativity that was inside that would at the same time save this ambitious person.

Candles would be made, they would be more environmentally friendly than the ones Martin had already found as environmentally friendly alternatives. They would smell better and last longer than the favorites he had in recent years. Mainly they would burn better and longer. Here, the biggest domestic problems would be solved for all light geeks and the world would be saved at the same time.

But this is only the shell and the surface and when we scratch a little to see what hides deeper into the core of Remoair we find a warm space of personal scent memories. Picked from the most intimate moments in life, from the most important people and the most beautiful places the planet has to offer.


The name of the company has always been based on the connection between the atmosphere and how a scent can transport you back in time in a millisecond. It is remarkable how the memory we have of a place, person or event can be so strongly linked to a particular scent. Why don't we use this sense of smell more to remember? We remember so much with pictures, but the actual memory image becomes so much stronger with scent in particular.

Remeniscing, redolence and remember are the basis for the name Remoair. But also the word reduce, reuse, refill. We need to think more about reusing, recycling and refilling more ⎯ we need to re-more!



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