183. När dofter blir minnen: En berättelse om Season Edit SS25

183. När dofter blir minnen: En berättelse om Season Edit SS25

En doft av barndomens somrar Värmen vibrerar i luften, havsbrisen blandas med doften av solvarma tomatkvistar och saltstänkta klippor. Någon plockar purfärska aprikoser i en plastpåse vid ett grönsaksstånd, medan solen långsamt sjunker bakom vita...
018. Hållbar förpackning

018. Sustainable packaging

Sustainability in every detail – this is how we build for the future In 2024, we took major steps to strengthen our environmental work. We achieved one of our most important climate goals earlier than...
030. Hållbar Shopping Guide

030. Sustainable Shopping Guide

Learn the art of conscious consumption for a more sustainable lifestyle. In this article, we talk about the importance of changing a behavior that almost all people have. In a world where consumption often takes...
054. Större refill till doftpinnar

054. Larger refill for scent sticks

Why choose refills for scent sticks? As more of us become aware of our environmental impact, we are looking for ways to make more sustainable choices in our everyday lives. A simple but effective way...
158. GUIDE ⎯ Så använder du refill för doftljus

158. GUIDE ⎯ How to use refills for scented candles

When it comes to refilling your scented candle again, the scented candle refill in our pouch is the easiest way to refill. Our award-winning refill is an innovative solution to a problem many people face....
052. Hello - Refill till doftljus!

052. Hello - Refill for scented candles!

Refilling your scented candles with a simple scented candle refill - well, it's never been easier than now. If you do not know the product itself already, we can warmly recommend you to familiarize yourself...
171. Hur doftar vanilj? Skapa en atmosfär av sofistikerad elegans.

171. What does vanilla smell like? Create an atmosphere of sophisticated elegance.

In the eternal stream of scent experiences that enrich our everyday life, vanilla is a constant star. Its fragrance, a subtle dance between sweetness and warmth, has fascinated and enchanted people for centuries. But, we...
053. Doftkänslighet

053. Scent sensitivity

What is smell sensitivity? One can describe scent sensitivity in two different ways. Scent sensitive as in being extra sensitive to scent which causes the scent to be experienced stronger, more intense and sometimes so...
169. Hur doftar Kaprifol?

169. How does honeysuckle smell?

What is honeysuckle? Honeysuckle, also called Lonicera in Latin, is a beautiful and fragrant climbing plant known for its enchanting flowers and characteristic fragrance. It seems that we humans always marvel at how honeysuckle smells....
083. Bli kvitt myggen med vår myggfria kollektion

083. Get rid of mosquitoes with our mosquito-free collection

Who hasn't been bothered by these little insects that make such a distinct sound just before they attack. You hear the buzz of mosquitoes and immediately it itches everywhere. But what can be done about...
114. Dofter som håller myggen borta

114. Scents that keep mosquitoes away

What scents keep mosquitoes away? Summer is synonymous with outdoor activities, barbecue evenings and relaxing moments on the veranda. But for many of us, summer also means an increased risk of mosquito bites and the...
017. Säg hej till vårt skånska rapsvax!

017. Say hello to our Scanian rapeseed wax!

How difficult should it be to make your own wax? Yes, we asked ourselves that question back in 2018 when we started our fragrance journey. Our first six months in the business consisted of trying...