131. Hur doftar honung?

131. What does honey smell like?

What is honey? Honey is a natural sweetener produced by bees by collecting nectar from flowers and converting it into honey. Bees collect nectar by visiting flowers and taking it to the hive where it...
129. Hur doftar pumpa?

129. How does pumpkin smell?

What is pumpkin? Pumpkin is the scent that generates the most traffic to us in recent years. The pumpkin plant is a vegetable that belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family. It is known for its characteristic...
132. Hur doftar rabarber?

132. How does rhubarb smell?

What is rhubarb? No one has missed our love for rhubarb, have they? This inexhaustible love comes from Grandma Astrid who offered Martin her pink rhubarb juice on sunny summer days during his childhood. The...
078. Förläng sensommarkvällarna med doftljus utomhus

078. Extend the late summer evenings with scented candles outdoors

Late summer evenings are a time when the days get shorter, but the evenings become magically warm and inviting. It's the perfect time to embrace the tranquility and create a relaxing atmosphere with the help...
071. Återbruka dina glas igen

071. Recycle your glasses again

Our scented candles are not only a source of fragrance, they also often come in beautiful glass containers from Italy that are far too precious to just throw away. That's why there are refills for...
151. Så använder du vår doftspray som linnevatten

151. How to use our fragrance spray as linen water

What is linen water? Linen water, perhaps first known as lavender water, is a scented liquid used to freshen and perfume textiles. As the name suggests, most of it is water. How is linen water...
128. Hur doftar lavendel?

128. What does lavender smell like?

The fragrance Soothing Spa came about from the memories of a small bag, filled with dried lavender flowers. It was tucked away in Grandma Astrid's dresser and is a strong memory. Being able to stand...
013. RFSL ⎯ Vi firar PRIDE med att skänka 5kr per såld produkt till HBTQ-projekt

013. RFSL ⎯ We celebrate PRIDE by donating SEK 5 per product sold to LGBTQ projects

In the month of June, we highlight pride and equal value for all people. We have always been clear about our values ​​when it comes to the planet. So let's be equally clear about what...
027. Världsmiljödagen ⎯ Investera i planeten

027. World Environment Day ⎯ Invest in the planet

Plastic in the ocean is a growing problem affecting the planet, the oceans and its biological life. The plastic comes from a variety of sources, including waste management, industries and private consumption. In this article...
155. Så använder du doftspray till torkade växter

155. How to use fragrance spray for dried plants

In this article we thought we'd share tips when it comes to our fragrance spray and how good it can be. For example, you can use it to create fragrant interior details such as dried...
128. Hur doftar plommon?

128. What does plum smell like?

What do plums smell like? Plum is a common scent in perfumery and fragrances, but it can be hard to pin down when mixed with other scents. The reason is that the scent in you...
112. Vilken doft passar mig? Använd vår Fragrance FNDR

112. Which fragrance suits me? Use our Fragrance FNDR

Our range of fragrances has grown and grown every year and sometimes it can be overwhelming to choose from 30+ fragrances. But how do you find the right scent faster? We have therefore built a...