143. GUIDE ⎯ Skötselråd för att förlänga livet på ditt doftljus

143. GUIDE ⎯ Care advice to extend the life of your scented candle

By taking care of your products, you can extend their life and at the same time reduce your consumption. So for us, it goes without saying that you give a little extra love to everything...
043. Slow living ⎯ learn it, live it! Vi reder ut begreppet.

043. Slow living ⎯ learn it, live it! We clarify the concept.

Have you heard the term Slow living before? If not, you will surely run into it more and more in the future. "Only that day dawns to which we are awake" ⎯ Henry David Thoreau...
042. Vad är en certifiering och varför är det viktigt?

042. What is a certification and why is it important?

Our ambition as a company is to offer products with high credibility and a kind of proof that what we say is actually true, but also that it is checked. To do that, you can...
064. Vektrimmer ⎯ inte bara en inredningsdetalj

064. Weight trimmer ⎯ not just an interior detail

Have you heard of a weight trimmer or that it is important to take care of your light? Yes, but that's the way it is, you don't buy a candle and think you can treat...
040. Är doftljus och doftpinnar farliga?

040. Are scented candles and scented sticks dangerous?

What exactly is the definition of dangerous? We therefore mean that the amount you consume can be more dangerous than what you consume is under normal conditions. In too large a quantity, most things can...
009. Så kom namnet till ⎯ Remeniscing, redolence, remodel

009. That's how the name came to ⎯ Remeniscing, redolence, remodel

In a kitchen, on the outskirts of Malmö, on an autumn evening where there were really no expectations, Remoair was formed. Martin describes that it was perhaps the first time that "delight mixed with horror"...
098. Myggljus ⎯ Ecocertifierad och eteriska oljor håller myggen borta i sommar

098. Mosquito candle ⎯ Eco-certified and essential oils keep mosquitoes away this summer

On site in the studio, we find an excited Martin who seems to have cracked a clever riddle or perhaps found gold ⎯ it was unclear at first which. But once inside comes a scent...
039. Doftoljor ⎯ Även kallat parfymolja, kemisk doftolja och satans påhitt

039. Fragrance oils ⎯ Also called perfume oil, chemical fragrance oil and devil's invention

Fragrance oil ⎯ Fragrance oil As the name reveals, a fragrance oil is a fatty oil containing specific fragrance molecules. There are a whole host of fragrance oils that are both pure or blended. The...
038. Eterisk olja ⎯ det här behöver du veta

038. Essential oil ⎯ this is what you need to know

Essential oil ⎯ Essential oils The English word essential oils describes what is better, an essential oil is actually the essence of a plant. That is, the aroma substance itself that creates the taste or...
138. GUIDE ⎯ Så här gjuter du egna ljus

138. GUIDE ⎯ This is how you cast your own candles

In the world of light makers there are questions that are often recurring, we see a great need to answer these questions for a bit mixed reasons. On the one hand, as a producer of...
063. Fem tips hur du inreder med dofter i hemmet

063. Five tips on how to decorate with scents in the home

In this article, we will tell you more about how you can decorate your entire home with scents. Perhaps you have ever read articles and tips about which colors to avoid in the bedroom or...
025. Vi tror på en värld utan djurförsök

025. We believe in a world without animal testing

April 24 is World Day For Laboratory Animals, a themed day that was added in 1979 to draw attention to animal experiments and the suffering that millions of animals endure every day. Animal experiments are...